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Vertical WPF chart

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 9:52 am
by LerakNigab
Hi, we are new to LightningChart. Is it possible to create a vertical chart like this with your control?


We have 6-8 columns of data that swirl (red). This data has to stay in some predefined borders (blue). We would like to visualize these borders too. New data is added at the bottom. Old data moves vertically up.

Thanks in advance

Re: Vertical WPF chart

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 10:11 am
by ArctionPasi

it can be best made with our WPF chart, by applying 90 degrees rotation transform. You can experiment with that, bu running our WPF demo application and pressing the rotation buttons (e.g. L90) The borders can be made e.g. by setting ConstantLine for position of each Y axis' Minimum and Maximum. The graph should be made in 'Stacked' Y axis mode, or 'Segmented'.

Using PointLineSeries would for well for your data. If it's fixed-interval data, SampleDataSeries is lighter in memory footprint.
Vertical scrolling real-time WPF chart
Vertical scrolling real-time WPF chart
VerticalScrollingChart.jpg (392.76 KiB) Viewed 8516 times
In WinForms, there's no similar transform available, and vertical plots should be made with FreeformPointLineSeries.

I hope this helps :-)