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Application dynamic text outside of charting area

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 11:39 am
by benzp
I wish to add a header line within a chart that consists of multiple text fields and also other text fields (again outside of charting area on chart border) and wish then to be saved when a chart.SaveToFile() is called.
I have looked at Annotation etc, but they seem limited to the charting area.
What is the best way to add dynamic text to a chart outside of the charting area?

Re: Application dynamic text outside of charting area

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 3:05 pm
by ArctionPasi
The annotations really are limited in the graph area by default.

Set annotation.LimitInsideGraphMargins = False to enable it rendering also outside the graph. (stupid property name in fact...) :roll:

Re: Application dynamic text outside of charting area

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 12:21 pm
by benzp
Could I use AnnotationXY to write dynamic text values to fixed positions (outside of the charting area) that are not tied to X or Y axis and do not get blanked every time the chart updates (chart in sweeping mode).
ie Similar to way the chart title works (but I need 8 instances).

What AnnotationXY property settings are required to implement as described above?.

Re: Application dynamic text outside of charting area

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 2:08 pm
by ArctionPasi
Annotations can be tied to screen coordinates too. Set Style = Rectangle, LocationCoordinateSystem = ScreenCoordinates, LocationScreenCoords = Xcoord ,Ycoord.

When X-axis is set to sweeping monitoring mode, the Sweeping Gap also clips the annotation. To minimize the problem, you can set xAxis.SweepingGap = 0. It still shows 1 px thin gap on annotation. Please let me know if you can use it this way, we can definitely add a new property to prevent it from clipping in sweeping mode.

Re: Application dynamic text outside of charting area

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 9:17 am
by benzp
I tried this and:

1. When Annotation is placed within chart area it behaves as you suggest - only blanked when sweeping gap passes.
2. When plotted outside of chart area the annotation is blanked on sweeping gap passing and is not redrawn until the start of the plot. So the annotation is blanked for potentially a long time.

So in it's current state this is not a usable solution, if it behaved just like the chart title then is would be great ;-)

Re: Application dynamic text outside of charting area

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 7:43 am
by benzp
When in sweeping mode an annotation placed below X-axis and to left of Y-axis (so bottom left corner) never gets displayed (probably connected with the same issue as previous message), but in scrolling mode it works fine.

Re: Application dynamic text outside of charting area

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 10:46 am
by ArctionPasi
We've just added ClipWhenSweeping property for AnnotationXY objects. Set it to False, to prevent the sweeping gap from affecting it. The new property is in v.5.1.5 and newer :? .