Using examples and finding necessary files

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Using examples and finding necessary files

Post by ArctionJari » Fri Jan 30, 2015 2:07 pm

The purpose of this topic is to clarify where one can find charting related examples. There are over 100 examples on both WinForms and WPF demo application that demostrate how to configure and use the wide selection of different series and views. This topic covers only WPF version but the princible is the same for WinForms.

Demo application

After you have successfully installed LightningChartUltimate SDK two shortcuts are created on Windows desktop: one for WinForms demo application and one for WPF demo appliction. Just double-click the icons to start the corresponding demo application. The demo application can also be started from Windows' Start menu where you can find additional shortcuts for license manager, manual etc.

When demo application has started you can see a tree view control on the left-hand side of the window that contains all the available examples. Click one node and an example will be opened right next to it. If you want to see the source of an opened example, just click "Show source code..." button. A window will be opened showing the source code needed for creating the example.
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If you want to open the Visual Studio solution for the demo application, just click "Open this C# project..." link at bottom of the example containing area. After this, Visual Studio will open and you can edit both the demo application and all the examples. If an example is already open, just click any other tree view node than a leaf node (e.g. XY view examples) to close the example and the project opening link becomes visible.
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You can build and run the demo application project to see how your modifications change the appearance and/or the behaviour of the demo appliction or its examples. Please note, that editing the source code will not affect the demo application opened using desktop shortcut.
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File locations

After you have successfully installed LightningChartUltimate SDK you can find all the demo application related files and more under C:\Program Files (x86)\Arction\LightningChart Ultimate SDK v.X .net4 and C:\ProgramData\Arction\LightningChart Ultimate SDK v.X .net4. The folder under Program Files contains executables and other binary files. The folder under ProgramData contains all the source files for modifiable demo applications.

LibNET4 folder contains all the built Arction assemblies which you can use in your own projects if you prefer adding references manually instead of using Visual Studio's toolbox. Just copy them, for example, to a folder in your project folder and add as references to your project. There's also LibNET4 folder under ProgramData but it is intented to be used as a reference folder for the demo applications.
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