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DataBreaking causes performance down?

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 1:22 pm
by Jason, Cho
1.PNG (18.93 KiB) Viewed 9165 times
I have a chart with a series of PointLineSeries.
Series need data-breaking.
So, PointLineSeries.DataBreaking should be enabled and DataBreaking.Value is double.NaN.
DataBreaking is a perfect solution, but the chart is slow down more than twice when rendered.
Zooming operation is slower too.

Is there any solutions for the issue?
ClipArea can not be our solution. because y1, y2 at x1 are changed.

Re: DataBreaking causes performance down?

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 3:14 pm
by ArctionPasi

Databreaking has affect for performance. Simply calling Double.IsNan() for each point take excessive time.

What version are you using. According to our version log, there's an improvement in 8.1.3 version.

Using other value than NaN is faster, like double.MinValue.