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Point by point coloring in AreaSeries same as for PointLineSeries

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 5:24 am
by GeoffDavis

I am using the "CustomLinePointColoringAndShaping" Event in various PointLineSeries and FreeformPointLIneSeries to get a point by point coloring of the various series I create.

Is there a similar event for an Area Series that would allow me to color different sections under the line series with different colors

I want to do the same point by point coloring in an Area as I do for Line Series

Thank you

Re: Point by point coloring in AreaSeries same as for PointLineSeries

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 1:24 pm
by ArctionKestutis

Event CustomLinePointColoringAndShaping handle is not implemented for HighLow- or Area-Series. Primarily it is intended for LINE-SERIES, such as PointLineSeries, FreeformPointLineSeries. In addition, recently it was implemented for Polar View /Series.
AreaSeries is far more than just a line, therefore, requires different approach.
Please note, AreaSeries/HighLowSeries has much more coloring options. It could be colored by value-range palette, could change coloring then exceed/deceed limits, Fill color could be combined from 2 color and an additional pair of ReversedFIll color exist. Please check following chapters from User's Manual:
6.10.1 Fill, line and point styles
6.10.2 Limits
6.10.3 Coloring by value-range palette

Hope this helps.

Re: Point by point coloring in AreaSeries same as for PointLineSeries

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 4:36 am
by mat-d
Hello Kestutis,

I'm trying to solve the same problem.
Although Area and High Low have many coloring options, none of these options seem to enable the point by point coloring that is available in line series.

Point by point can be used to change the color along the X axis, these other methods, file/line/point, LImits, color by value range seem to only enable coloring by y-axis value.



Re: Point by point coloring in AreaSeries same as for PointLineSeries

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 9:14 am
by Arction_LasseP
Hello Mat,

As mentioned above, CustomLinePointColoringAndShaping event is intended for PointLineSeries and FreefromPointLineSeries, and there fore does not affect the fill of AreaSeries or HighLowSeries.

The only way to color specific x-axis ranges differently is to use multiple AreaSeries. There are two approaches you can take. First, whenever you need to change the color, start a new AreaSeries. Alternatively, you can have one main AreaSeries which holds all the data points. Then just render additional differently colored AreaSeries on top of it. These series would have the same data points as the main series but only for the area with different color.

Hope this helps.
Best regards,