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Multiple Y and Segments,How to zoom and pan only the current

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2023 12:19 pm
by fish
hello,I am new LightningChart user.Thank you very much for developing this product, which has solved my big problem, especially in terms of speed.

My question: ViewXY, multiple YAxes, multiple segments, and different areas above and below the curve.
When I move up and down the Y axis, the lower area will also be executed together. This makes me very confused. I just want to zoom the clip of the mouse position, not all. When I move one segment up and down, the other segments remain unchanged.

Re: Multiple Y and Segments,How to zoom and pan only the current

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 2:45 pm
by ArctionKestutis
It may depend how you setup your chart (what are ViewXY.ZoomPanOptions, how Axis properties set).
The default behavior allow dragging YAxis/segment individually, if you drag by YAxis labels-area.
If you don't want Panning/Zooming applied to specific YAxis, then you could disable properties Axis.PanningEnabled or .ZoomingEnabled.

Hope this helps.