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Issue with "Points Tracking" Example

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 5:11 pm
by rock
Hi Arction,
I'm currently running the "Points Tracking" example and have encountered an issue. Specifically, when I move the mouse pointer over a data point, the color of the point doesn't change as expected. I've reviewed the code that handles this behavior and have identified the area that may be causing the problem:
private void _chart_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)

View3D view3D = _chart.View3D;

// Reset highlighted point colors
foreach (PointLineSeries3D pointLineSeries3D in _chart.View3D.PointLineSeries3D)
if (pointLineSeries3D.Tag != null)
// Restore color
int iPointIndexUsedToBeTargeted = (int)pointLineSeries3D.Tag;
// The issue may be here
pointLineSeries3D.Points[iPointIndexUsedToBeTargeted].Color = Colors.Red;


Annotation3D targetValueLabel = view3D.Annotations[0];
targetValueLabel.Visible = false;

// Get object under the mouse, if any
object obj = _chart.GetActiveUserInteractiveDeviceOverObject();

if (obj != null)
if (obj is PointLineSeries3D)
PointLineSeries3D pointLineSeries3D = obj as PointLineSeries3D;

int pointIndex = pointLineSeries3D.LastHitTestIndex;
pointLineSeries3D.Points[pointIndex].Color = ChartTools.CalcGradient(pointLineSeries3D.Title.Color, Colors.White, 50);
pointLineSeries3D.Tag = pointIndex; // Store information about the highlighted point index

SeriesPoint3D point = pointLineSeries3D.Points[pointIndex];

targetValueLabel.TargetAxisValues.SetValues(point.X, point.Y, point.Z);
targetValueLabel.Text = "Series index: " + view3D.PointLineSeries3D.IndexOf(pointLineSeries3D).ToString()
+ "\nPoint index: " + pointIndex.ToString()
+ "\nX=" + point.X.ToString("0.0") + " ; Y=" + point.Y.ToString("0.0") + " ; Z=" + point.Z.ToString("0.0");

targetValueLabel.Fill.Color = ChartTools.CalcGradient(pointLineSeries3D.Title.Color, Colors.White, 90);
targetValueLabel.TextStyle.Color = Colors.Black;
targetValueLabel.Fill.GradientColor = ChartTools.CalcGradient(pointLineSeries3D.Title.Color, Colors.White, 50);
targetValueLabel.Visible = true;


If you have any insights or suggestions to resolve this issue, please let me know.

Re: Issue with "Points Tracking" Example

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:01 am
by ArctionKestutis
For setting customized highlighting this way you need 2 things.
First, you should enable IndividualPointColors property

Code: Select all

           pointLineSeries3D.IndividualPointColors = true; //allow each point to have its own color
Second, once you change non-property filed in LightningChart (like Points[pointIndex].Color), you should also 'tell' chart to recreate data by calling InvalidateData()

Code: Select all

                if (pointLineSeries3D.Tag != null)
                    //Restore color 
                    int pointIndex = (int)pointLineSeries3D.Tag;
                    pointLineSeries3D.Points[pointIndex].Color = pointLineSeries3D.Title.Color;
By the way, if you are using code excerpt from our Demo's ExamplePointTracking3D, it maybe incomplete. That is, as far I could see color is not restored once mouse moves away from 3D-point.