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ViewXY: Stacked Y axis has independant size

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 4:29 pm
by greggorob64
I have a need to the stacks in 'stacked y axis' to be configurable in height:

As you see below, we have both vertical and horizontal cross-sections. I really would like the horizontal cross-section to never take up more than ~15% of the overall chart.
However, if there are only 2 stacked sonagrams (or 1), the cross-section takes up 33\50% of my chart.

If you look at the Y axis labels, the starting and stopping speed for my FFT is variable. I'd like the size of each stack to be proportional for the total range the graph covers (some would be larger than others)

Adding an entire new chart to my form would be very tedious, and more memory (for the stacked sonagram solution). It would be near impossible to generate a new graph for each stack and each crosssection. It would be awesome if the Y-axis had a scaling option that was something like 'percentage size' either as a decimal or regular number.

DevEx solves the issue similarly and it works great. You can give it a 'size value' that is either in pixels (hard-baked width), or in 'stars', which is just proportional to all other axis. The default value would be 100 or something.

Thanks for listening!


Re: ViewXY: Stacked Y axis has independant size

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:20 am
by ArctionPasi
Graph segments configurability has been made in v.6.3.1:
Configurable graph segments with any count of Y axes in them, axis placement in any side of them.
Configurable graph segments with any count of Y axes in them, axis placement in any side of them.
LC63segments.png (144.85 KiB) Viewed 20001 times

Re: ViewXY: Stacked Y axis has independant size

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:48 pm
by greggorob64
Thank you very much for implementing this feature, its going to be incredibly useful!