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Interface ChartXYOptions <CursorPointMarkerType, CursorResultTableBackgroundType, CursorTickMarkerBackgroundTypeX, CursorTickMarkerBackgroundTypeY >

Interface that can be used to define ChartXY configurations that can't be changed after creation. For example:

  • Specifying TickStrategies for default X or Y Axes'. This is mostly used for creating DateTime Axes.

  • Supplying a custom Builder for the AutoCursor of Chart. This can be used to modify the AutoCursor on a level, which can't be done during runtime. For example, changing the shape of ResultTable Background, Etc.

Example usage:

Desired result Value
Default undefined
Default X Axis as DateTime { defaultAxisXTickStrategy: AxisTickStrategies.DateTime() }
Specified AutoCursor ResultTable Background { autoCursorBuilder: AutoCursorBuilders.XY.setResultTableBackground(UIBackgrounds.Circle) }



Optional autoCursorBuilder

autoCursorBuilder: AutoCursorXYBuilder<CursorPointMarkerType, CursorResultTableBackgroundType, CursorTickMarkerBackgroundTypeX, CursorTickMarkerBackgroundTypeY>

Builder for the Charts AutoCursor. If omitted, a default one will be used. AutoCursorBuilders.XY can be used to build a custom one from scratch.

Optional defaultAxisXTickStrategy

defaultAxisXTickStrategy: AxisTickStrategy

TickStrategy for charts default X Axis that defines positioning and formating of its ticks. See AxisTickStrategies for a collection of options.

Optional defaultAxisYTickStrategy

defaultAxisYTickStrategy: AxisTickStrategy

TickStrategy for charts default Y Axis that defines positioning and formating of its ticks. See AxisTickStrategies for a collection of options.

Optional theme

theme: Theme

Theme used to style all elements inside the Chart. See Themes for pre-made options.