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Class IndividualPointFill

Class for enabling individual fillstyle for Series.

PointSeries: When this fillstyle is set, the Series will allow using PointColors instead of normal *Points when adding data. If *Point is still used, the configurable Fallback Color is used.

IntensitySeries: When this fillstyle is set, the Series will treat the data of the matrix as ColorValue-based type of points. If IntensityValue is still used, the configurable Fallback Color is used.

Instances of IndividualPointFill are immutable, meaning that its setters don't modify the object, but instead return a completely new modified object.




  • Create a new IndividualPointFill to apply individual Color per object. The fallback Color would be used for object without specified color.


    // create fillstyle from RGBA
    const individualfill = new IndividualPointFill({
     // A (alpha) is optional - 255 by default
     color: ColorRGBA(255, 0, 0)
    // create fillstyle from HEX string
    const individualfill = new IndividualPointFill({
     color: ColorHEX('#F00')
    // create fillstyle from HSV
    const individualfill = new IndividualPointFill({
     color: ColorHSV(0, 1, 0.49)


    Returns IndividualPointFill



  • getDefaultHighlightStyle(): this


  • getFallbackColor(): Color
  • Get Fallback Color of IndividualPointFill.

    Returns Color

    Color object


  • Construct a new IndividualPointFill object based on this one, but with modified fallback color.


    // specify new color
    individualfill.setColor( ColorHEX('#F00') )
    // change individual color properties
    individualfill.setColor( color => color.setA(80) )


    • value: Color | ImmutableMutator<Color>

      Either a Color object or a function, which will be used to create a new Color based on current value.

    Returns this

    New IndividualPointFill object

Static Record

  • Record(defaultValues: TProps, name?: undefined | string): Factory<TProps>
  • Unlike other types in Immutable.js, the Record() function creates a new Record Factory, which is a function that creates Record instances.

    See above for examples of using Record().

    Note: Record is a factory function and not a class, and does not use the new keyword during construction.

    Type parameters

    • TProps


    • defaultValues: TProps
    • Optional name: undefined | string

    Returns Factory<TProps>