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Interface ChartOptions<CursorPointMarkerType, CursorResultTableBackgroundType>

Interface that can be used to define ChartXY configurations, when inside a Dashboard, that can't be changed after creation. For example:

  • Specifying TickStrategies for default X or Y Axes'. This is mostly used for creating DateTime Axes.

  • Supplying a custom Builder for the AutoCursor of Chart. This can be used to modify the AutoCursor on a level, which can't be done during runtime. For example, changing the shape of ResultTable Background, Etc.

Example usage:

// Default
// Specified AutoCursor ResultTable Background
{ chartXYOptions: { autoCursorBuilder: AutoCursorBuilders.XY.setResultTableBackground(UIBackgrounds.Circle) } }



Optional autoCursorBuilder

autoCursorBuilder : AutoCursorXYBuilder<CursorPointMarkerType, CursorResultTableBackgroundType>

Builder for the charts' auto cursor. Use AutoCursorBuilders.XY to modify the default builder, using methods of AutoCursorXYBuilder.

 // Example, change cursor ResultTable background shape.
 const chart = LightningChart.ChartXY({
     autoCursorBuilder: AutoCursorBuilders.XY


columnIndex : number

Column index on dashboard (X location, 0 = left)

Optional columnSpan

columnSpan : undefined | number

Column span (X width), default = 1

Optional defaultAxisX

defaultAxisX : AxisOptions

Interface for specifying Axis X configurations that can't be changed after creation of the Axis.

Example usage:

  • Configure default X Axis of chart on opposite side to default configuration (top).
     defaultAxisX: {
         opposite: true,
  • Configure default X Axis of chart as logarithmic (10 base).
     defaultAxisX: {
         type: 'logarithmic',
         base: 10,

NOTE: Not all series types support logarithmic axes! Attaching a non-supported Series will crash the application.

List of series that support logarithmic Axes:

Optional defaultAxisY

defaultAxisY : AxisOptions

Interface for specifying Axis Y configurations that can't be changed after creation of the Axis.

Example usage:

  • Configure default Y Axis of chart on opposite side to default configuration (top).
     defaultAxisY: {
         opposite: true,
  • Configure default Y Axis of chart as logarithmic (10 base).
     defaultAxisY: {
         type: 'logarithmic',
         base: 10,

NOTE: Not all series types support logarithmic axes! Attaching a non-supported Series will crash the application.

List of series that support logarithmic Axes:

Optional disableAnimations

disableAnimations : undefined | false | true

Convenience flag that can be used to disable all animations in a component.


rowIndex : number

Row index on dashboard (Y location, 0 = top)

Optional rowSpan

rowSpan : undefined | number

Row span (Y height), default = 1

Optional theme

theme : Theme

Theme used to style all elements inside the component. See Themes for pre-made options.