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Interface AreaSeriesOptions<AreaType>

Interface can be used to define the X and Y Axis that a series should be attached to, a reference number used for comparison and type of area series.




Optional baseline

baseline : undefined | number

A fixed reference number.

Optional type

type : AreaType

Defines the type of area series. Selected option can enable/disable specific APIs!

See AreaSeriesTypes for a collection of options.

Optional xAxis

xAxis : Axis

Optional non-default X Axis to attach series to.

By default, series are attached to the same X Axis, that is returned by ChartXY.getDefaultAxisX.

Optional yAxis

yAxis : Axis

Optional non-default Y Axis to attach series to.

By default, series are attached to the same Y Axis, that is returned by ChartXY.getDefaultAxisY.