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Interface HeatmapGridSeriesOptions<DataType>

Interface describing readonly configurations of a HeatmapGridSeries.

Required properties:

Optional properies:




columns : number

Amount of columns (values on X Axis).

Optional dataOrder

dataOrder : "columns" | "rows"

Specify how to interpret grid matrix values supplied by user.

'columns' -> Supply lists of "columns"

 const intensityValues = [
         0, // Intensity value column = 0, row = 0
         0, // Intensity value column = 0, row = 1
         0, // Intensity value column = 0, row = n
         0, // Intensity value column = 1, row = 0
         0, // Intensity value column = 1, row = 1
         0, // Intensity value column = 1, row = n

'rows' -> Supply lists of "rows"

 const intensityValues = [
         0, // Intensity value row = 0, column = 0
         0, // Intensity value row = 0, column = 1
         0, // Intensity value row = 0, column = n
         0, // Intensity value row = 1, column = 0
         0, // Intensity value row = 1, column = 1
         0, // Intensity value row = 1, column = n

Defaults to 'columns'.

Optional end

end : Point

End coordinate of Heatmap on its X and Y Axes.

If both are defined, end has priority over step.

Optional heatmapDataType

heatmapDataType : DataType

Selection of format in which heatmap values are supplied.

'intensity' | numeric value that can be colored with an associated color look up table.

Defaults to 'intensity'.


rows : number

Amount of rows (values on Y Axis).

Optional start

start : Point

Start coordinate of Heatmap on its X and Y Axes.

Defaults to { x: 0, y: 0 }

Optional step

step : Point

Step between each consecutive heatmap value on the X and Y Axes.

X = columns, Y = rows

Defaults to { x: 1, y: 1 }

Optional xAxis

xAxis : Axis

Optional non-default X Axis to attach series to.

By default, series are attached to the same X Axis, that is returned by ChartXY.getDefaultAxisX.

Optional yAxis

yAxis : Axis

Optional non-default Y Axis to attach series to.

By default, series are attached to the same Y Axis, that is returned by ChartXY.getDefaultAxisY.