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Interface PointSeriesOptions3D<T>

Interface that can be used to specify readonly parameters when creating a PointSeries3D.

PointSeries3D is created with Chart3D.addPointSeries method.



Optional individualLookupValuesEnabled

individualLookupValuesEnabled : undefined | false | true

Flag that can be used to enable individual look up values for data points. By default this is disabled.

Must be explicitly enabled when creating the series, in order to support PalettedFill style with lookUpProperty: "value".

 // Example syntax,
 const pointSeries3D = chart3D.addPointSeries({
     individualLookupValuesEnabled: true

Lookup values are supplied by appending a value property to data points:

 // Example syntax, individual data point values.
     { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, value: 0 },
     { x: 1, y: 0, z: 2, value: 1 },

Performance side-effects from enabling:

  • No considerable side effects.

Optional individualPointColorEnabled

individualPointColorEnabled : undefined | false | true

Flag that can be used to enable individual data point coloring. By default this is disabled.

Must be explicitly enabled when creating the series, in order to support IndividualPointFill style.

 // Example syntax,
 const pointSeries3D = chart3D.addPointSeries({
     individualPointColorEnabled: true

Colors are supplied by appending a color property to data points:

 // Example syntax, individual data point colors.
     { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, color: ColorRGBA(255, 0, 0) },
     { x: 1, y: 0, z: 2, color: ColorRGBA(0, 255, 0) },

Performance side-effects from enabling:

  • Increases CPU scripting time very slightly.
  • Slightly increased GPU memory usage.

Optional individualPointSizeEnabled

individualPointSizeEnabled : undefined | false | true

Flag that can be used to enable individual size of data points. By default this is disabled.

Must be explicitly enabled when creating the series, otherwise all data points will always have uniform size.

 // Example syntax,
 const pointSeries3D = chart3D.addPointSeries({
     individualPointSizeEnabled: true

Sizes are supplied by appending a size property to data points:

 // Example syntax, individual data point sizes.
     { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, size: 5 },
     { x: 1, y: 0, z: 2, size: 10 },

Performance side-effects from enabling:

  • With detailed point geometry (like 'sphere'), the geometry precision will be maximized, resulting in considerable increase in GPU processing time.

Optional type

type : T

Defines the type of Point Series 3D.

See PointSeriesTypes3D for a collection of options.

 // Example syntax,
 const pointSeries3D = chart3D.addPointSeries({
     type: PointSeriesTypes3D.Triangulated