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Interface PyramidChartOptions<PyramidChartType>

Interface for readonly configuration of PyramidChart.

Some properties of PyramidChart can only be configured when it is created. These arguments are all optional, and are wrapped in a single object parameter:

 // Example, create chart with specified color theme.
 const chart = LightningChart.Pyramid({
     theme: Themes.light,

Watch out! The full set of available readonly configuration parameters depends on if the chart is standalone, or inside a dashboard:

For standalone PyramidChart, more parameters are documented in LightningChart.Pyramid.

For dashboard PyramidChart, more parameters are documented in Dashboard.createPyramidChart.

Commonly used properties:

Example usage:

 // Example 1, create pyramid chart with default configuration.
 const chart = LightningChart.Pyramid({})
 // Example 2, create pyramid chart with labels inside slices.
 const chart = LightningChart.Pyramid({
     type: PyramidChartTypes.LabelsInsideSlices
 // Example 3, create pyramid chart with specified color theme.
 const chart = LightningChart.Pyramid({
     theme: Themes.light,



Optional disableAnimations

disableAnimations : undefined | false | true

Convenience flag that can be used to disable all animations in a component.

Optional theme

theme : Theme

Color theme for the component.

A collection of default implementations can be accessed by Themes.

 // Example, specify color theme of chart.
 const chart = LightningChart.ChartXY({
     theme: Themes.light

Optional type

Interface for specifying desired "type" of Pyramid Chart. This can be used to select different rendering approaches, mainly reflecting how Slice Labels are positioned.

Options are located in PyramidChartTypes collection. If undefined, will default to PyramidChartWithLabelsOnSides.