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Interface IntensitySeriesOptions<IntensityType>

Interface can be used to define:

  • X and Y Axes that a series should be attached to
  • Resolution (rows & columns)
  • Start and End points of boundary box
  • Pixelation mode to draw per cell or per point colouring
  • Type of intensity series

Will be removed in v4.0 in favor of new optimized Heatmap Series.



Optional automaticColorIndex

automaticColorIndex : undefined | number

Optional index to use for automatic coloring of series.

Normally series are automatically colored differently when you create several series in the same chart. However, in some cases you might want to alter this order of automatic coloring, or use the automatic color palettes on series that belong to different charts.

In these scenarios you can use automaticColorIndex to tell each series individually what is its place in the default color palette.

 // Create series using the first color in default Theme palette.
 const series1 = chart.addLineSeries({ automaticColorIndex: 0 })
 // Create another series colored with the 3rd color.
 const series2 = chart.addLineSeries({ automaticColorIndex: 2 })


columns : number

Horizontal resolution of the Heatmap.


end : Point

End point position of the Heatmap.


pixelate : boolean

Data definition per cell / per vertex of the Heatmap.

Value Desired result
pixelate: true Intensity / Color applies per cell
pixelate: false Intensity / Color applies per vertex


rows : number

Vertical resolution of the Heatmap.


start : Point

Starting point position of the Heatmap.

Optional type

Defines the type of intensity series. The API can vary for each selected series type.

See IntensitySeriesTypes for a collection of options.

Optional xAxis

xAxis : Axis

Optional non-default X Axis to attach series to.

By default, series are attached to the same X Axis, that is returned by ChartXY.getDefaultAxisX.

Optional yAxis

yAxis : Axis

Optional non-default Y Axis to attach series to.

By default, series are attached to the same Y Axis, that is returned by ChartXY.getDefaultAxisY.