JavaScript 3D Simple Surface Grid - Editor

This example shows an animated 3D grid surface with various different dynamic styles selectable from the User Interface.

The Chart is rendered using SurfaceGridSeries3D, a series type that renders a grid of XZ coordinates with varying Y and Color values.

SurfaceGridSeries3D data format

SurfaceGridSeries3D stores 3 kinds of user modifiable data.
Each type of data has its own invalidation method. All these methods can be called either with:

  • callback function.

    • Called back for each XZ coordinate of the grid.
    • Function then returns the value to be associated with the XZ coordinate.
  • data matrix.

    • Multidimensional array of data values.

It is also possible to not invalidate the whole grid, but only a section of it. This is done by appending a second parameter, which specifies the range of modification (GridRangeOptions).

// Invalidate first row of Colors by callback.
    ( row, column, prev ) => new ColorHSV( column * 10 ),
        row: { start: 0, end: 1 },
        column: { start: 0, end: numberOfColumns }

Height map

Each XZ coordinate on the grid is associated with a Y coordinate (Number).

Y coordinates are invalidated with SurfaceGridSeries3D.invalidateYOnly

// Invalidate full grids Y coordinates by callback.
    ( row, column ) => Math.sin( row / 10 ) * Math.cos( column / 5 )

Look-Up-Value map

Each XZ coordinate on the grid can be associated with a numeric look-up value (Number).

This can be used to dynamically color each grid coordinate based on an attached Color look-up table (LUT).
Note that coloring by the look-up values needs to be enabled by setting the Series' FillStyle as PalettedFill.

Look-Up-Values are invalidated with SurfaceGridSeries3D.invalidateValuesOnly

// Define Color Look-Up-Table.
const lut = new LUT( {
    steps: [
        { value: 0, color: ColorRGBA( 0, 0, 0 ) },
        { value: 50, color: ColorRGBA( 255, 0, 0 ) }
    interpolate: true
} )

// Invalidate a 5x5 grids Look-Up-Values by data matrix.
        // First row.
        // Second row.
        // and so forth...

// Configure Series fill style as look up from table.
SurfaceGridSeries3D.setFillStyle( new PalettedFill({ lut }) )

Color map

Each XZ coordinate on the grid can be associated with a Color.

This can be used to color each grid coordinate with its own Color.
Note that coloring by the individual Colors needs to be enabled by setting the Series' FillStyle as IndividualPointFill.

Color values are invalidated with SurfaceGridSeries3D.invalidateColorsOnly

// Invalidate first row of Colors by callback.
    ( row, column, prev ) => new ColorHSV( column * 10 ),
        row: { start: 0, end: 1 },
        column: { start: 0, end: numberOfColumns }

// Configure Series fill style as individual colors.
SurfaceGridSeries3D.setFillStyle( new IndividualPointFill() )