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LightningChartLib.UWP.ChartingMVVM.Views.ViewPie3D Namespace

LightningChart .NET Help
Public classAnnotation3DPieCollection Represents a collection of Annotation3DPie objects
Public classLegendBoxPie3D LegendBox for 3D pie.
Public classMaterialPie3D Material for 3D pie objects
Public classPieSlice Pie slice.
Public classPieSliceCollection Represents a collection of PieSlice objects
Public classSeriesTitleDeviceMovedEventArgs Represents a class that provides arguments for the SeriesTitleDeviceMoved event.
Public classViewPie3D 3D pie view class
Public classZoomPanOptionsPie3D Zoom, pan and rotation options for View3D
Public delegateViewPie3DCameraViewChangedHandler Delegate for CameraViewChanged event
Public delegateViewPie3DDimensionsChangedHandler Delegate for DimensionsChanged event