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LightningChartLib.UWP.ChartingMVVM.Axes Namespace

LightningChart .NET Help
Public classAngleChangedEventArgs Delivers information of rendered angle.
Public classAxis3DBase 3D axis base class.
Public classAxisBase Base class for X- and Y-axes.
Public classAxisDragNib Axis drag nib represents a dragging area on the end of X or Y axis. The range of axis is modified by dragging the nib.
Public classAxisDragNib3D Axis drag nib represents a dragging area on the both ends of axis. The range of axis is modified by dragging the nib.
Public classAxisPolar Polar axis (angle) class.
Public classAxisPolarBase Base class for polar axes.
Public classAxisRoundBase Base class for round axes.
Public classAxisSmith Smith axis class.
Public classAxisSmithBase Base class for smith axes.
Public classAxisTickStyle Axis tick style class.
Public classAxisTickStyleRound Axis tick style class for round views.
Public classAxisX X axis class
Public classAxisX3D 3D X-axis.
Public classAxisXCollection Represents a collection of AxisX objects.
Public classAxisXYBase XY view axis base class.
Public classAxisY Y-axis class.
Public classAxisY3D 3D Y-axis.
Public classAxisYCollection Represents a collection of AxisY objects.
Public classAxisZ3D 3D Z-axis.
Public classCustomAxisTick Custom axis tick.
Public classCustomAxisTickCollection Represents a collection of CustomAxisTick objects.
Public classFormatValueLabelEventArgs Represents a class that provides arguments for the FormatValueLabel event.
Public classRangeChangedBaseEventArgs Represents a base class for RangeChanged event argument classes.
Public classRangeChangedEventArgs Represents a class that provides arguments for the RangeChanged event.
Public classRangeChangedPolarEventArgs Represents a class that provides arguments for the RangeChanged event.
Public classRangeChangedSmithEventArgs Represents a class that provides arguments for the RangeChanged event.
Public classScaleBreak Exclude range for excluding defined values from axis values. Also contains Gap, which tells in DIPs, how large the range will be on window. The gap can be rendered by diagonal line or fill or just remain empty.
Public classScaleBreaksCollection Represents a collection of ScaleBreaks objects.
Public classSupplyCustomAmplitudeStringEventArgs Represents a class that provides arguments for the SupplyCustomAmplitudeString event.
Public classSupplyCustomAngleStringEventArgs Represents a class that provides arguments for the SupplyCustomAngleString event.
Public classSupplyCustomImgStringEventArgs Imaginary value event arguments class.
Public classSupplyCustomRealStringEventArgs Axis value event arguments class.
Public delegateAxisBaseFormatValueLabelEventHandler The delegate to use for handlers that receive the FormatValueLabel event.
Public delegateAxisBaseRangeChangedEventHandler The delegate to use for handlers that receive the RangeChanged event.
Public delegateAxisPolarBaseRangeChangedEventHandler The delegate to use for handlers that receive the RangeChanged event.
Public delegateAxisPolarBaseSupplyCustomAmplitudeStringEventHandler The delegate to use for handlers that receive the SupplyCustomAmplitudeString event.
Public delegateAxisRoundBaseAngleChangedEventHandler The delegate to use for handlers that receive the AmplitudeAxisAngleChanged event.
Public delegateAxisRoundBaseSupplyCustomAngleStringEventHandler The delegate to use for handlers that receive the SupplyCustomAngleString event.
Public delegateAxisSmithBaseRangeChangedEventHandler The delegate to use for handlers that receive the RangeChanged event.
Public delegateAxisSmithBaseSupplyCustomImgStringEventHandler The delegate to use for handlers that receive the SupplyCustomImgString event.
Public delegateAxisSmithBaseSupplyCustomRealStringEventHandler The delegate to use for handlers that receive the SupplyCustomRealString event.